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The 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) will take place in Milano, Italy, in the period August 25th-29th, 2015.
It will be a remarkable event as it is the first time that Italy will host a conference of the worlds largest member-based scientific Society in Biomedical Engineering (BME): at the same time, it will be a unique opportunity to come in touch with the actual BME activities all over the world. The Theme of the Conference is: Biomedical Engineering: a bridge to improve the Quality of Health Care and the Quality of Life, thus remarking the central role of BME in the improvement and innovation of health care (with a direct impact on the quality of life) but also focusing on how to reach and maintain a wellness status through proper and advanced technologies, devices and protocols.
The Conference will take place in MiCo - Milano Congressi, recently rebuilt (2011) and located in downtown Milan, among the largest conference facilities in Europe and worldwide, catering for up to 18,000 people in 70 or so fully appointed conference rooms.